Good evening from Malta's famous Mosta Dome! ❤️
Good evening from Malta's famous Mosta Dome! ❤️
Joseph Gatt Nobody's perfect! 😇 🙂
Peter Azzopardi That's exactly what he thinks, that everyone else is imperfect and we should not be allowed to fly, drive etc. ..... that is just for him and his buddies.
Good afternoon from Malta's beautiful countryside at Delimara! ❤
Unique Maltese balconies @ MDINA ❤️😍❤️
Now here is a story from the Daily Mail. This is bewildering, because it literally makes little sense. Seems like they are trying to spin the story that excess deaths of 3,000 per week is all the fault of the UK's National Health Service (NHS) ...... but this is being reported in ALL countries where the vaccine rollout was high (except Malta of course, but I'm sure it will come round and bite them in their, you know what, eventually). To cut a long story short, excess deaths has been a subject, internet sensation, Dr John Campbell has been covering religiously for the last few weeks. But let me not digress too much. Here is the Daily Fail's article.
Now, the other big news of recent days, concerns Covid. The truth is beginning to unfold as certain media outlets and influencers begin to show traits of changing sides.
Mindbogglingly of course, is the massive elephant in the room, the mRNA experimental "vaccine", which is still too painful to call out.
The attached video was taken from the YouTube video link below. In it Scott Adams, the creator of the popular cartoon character Dilbert, appears to have made a U-Turn.
"The smartest and happiest people are the ones that didn't get the vaccination"
Although not 100% convinced (Scott still hopes new Data could come out and overturn his new mindset).
He now believes that the Unvaccinated were right not to take the vaccine. Especially if they had contracted Omicron or any other variant and were cured. Now they have natural immunity from Covid without the risk of a substance running around their body.
You need to go to approximately to the 30 minute for him to start talking Covid Vaccines.
Peter Azzopardi BTW a little comment on Scott's label for us, anti-vaxxers. Some of us, like myself, weren't buying the Covid story from as far back as March 2020. Of course I wouldn't take a shot for something that was, IMO, no more dangerous than the flu. Further, the mRNA shots were never vaccines, they were rolled out under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) and remain in that state until today). All previous vaccines were tested for minimum 7 years before being used on humans.
And the day before yesterday an absolute bombshell was released, something completely unprecedented in the history of the Catholic Church. No English speaking news outlets have discussed it, and I believe we are witnessing mass media censorship. Benedict XVI published a posthumous book.
A few things making the rounds at the moment!
On the issue of Benedict, two things,
Firstly a leaked letter (from 2015) to Vladimir Palko (a respected scholar and a statesman in Slovakia) in which a controversial sentence on the Antichrist written by Pope Benedict XVI is doing the rounds on the Internet. 👇 👇
"One sees how the power of the Antichrist is expanding, and can only pray that the Lord give us strong shepherds, who defend his Church in this hour of need from the power of evil."
Story here:
and if you don't mind a 14 min YouTube video here