Terms of Use
This social media platform can be used free of charge. Please do not use this media to conduct vulgar, obscene, discourteous or illegal activities. In particular you do not have the right to :
1. Promote an intent to commit an illegal act;
2. Post content that is vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent;
3. Threaten or abuse others, libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening or offensive;
4. Seek to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise;
5. Harvest or otherwise collects information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent;
6. Violate any law or any action that may be reasonably considered to violate any law;
7. Impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
8. Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is permissibly uploaded;
9. Include programs that contain viruses, worms and/or Trojan horses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
10. Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, causes a screen to scroll faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise act in a way which affects the ability of other people to engage in real time activities via this site;
11. Promote anything that amounts to a pyramid or other like scheme, including chain letters;
12. Disobey any policy or regulations including any code of conduct or other guidelines, established from time to time regarding use of this site or any networks connected to this site; or
13. Include hyper-links to other sites that contain content that falls within the descriptions set forth above.