Timmy Walsh The postcard that convalescent Bob sent to his parents is funny. 😄
Joseph Gatt I wonder in which 18th century parish did Dun Feliċ Demarco minister!
Joseph Gatt At least nobody on the ground was hit when the plane went down.
Timmy Walsh A follow-up of: https://zafoid.com/post/view/11753
Joseph Gatt It's clear from this article that Malta's police force had quite a shaky start! 😃
Joseph Gatt Stupendous historical photographs. Thank you for sharing, Mary Jo. ❤
Jen Sorensen's insight takes her beyond the packaging of political messaging, and leads straight to the pointed question of who is actually managing to set the political discourse agenda within a country. I find this to be a very perceptive observation of the entire political process.