Wow! 500 drones synchronised flawlessly to launch fireworks in perfect harmony 🎆 🤩
Joseph Gatt With reference to the following, I suppose:
Our thoughts and prayers go for the six people who were injured in Żabbar on Saturday morning, 28th December 2024, after a car ploughed into the open air market apparently accidentally.
Joseph Gatt Christmas 1915. A Christmas card designed and produced by the German prisoners of war held in Malta during the First World War (1914-1918). The card shows St Clement’s Camp and the Verdala Barracks where they were held. Photo: Tony Camilleri Collection.
Il-Milied 1915. Kartolina tal-Milied disinjata u prodotta mill-priÄ¡unieri tal-gwerra Ä ermaniżi li kienu miżmuma Malta matul l-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija (1914-1918). Il-kartolina turi l-Kamp ta’ San Klement u l-Barracks tal-Verdala fejn kienu miżmuma. Ritratt: Kollezzjoni Tony Camilleri.
Joseph Gatt Very nice historical images. Thank you.