Timmy Walsh Heard some of the music, and the crowd cheering, since I live rather close to the Granaries. Sounded fantastic! ❤
Mary Jo Cassar I thought you lived in Pieta`.
Timmy Walsh Pietá is next to Floriana, where the Granaries are! The music was quite loud, as they were using an electronic sound (reinforcement) system.
Joseph Gatt Good night and sweet dreams to you too my friend. ❤
Great to search for chess games and totally free. Courtesy of Timothy Mifsud, Malta's national chess champion for 1993-1998.
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Timmy Walsh Heard some of the music, and the crowd cheering, since I live rather close to the Granaries. Sounded fantastic! ❤
Mary Jo Cassar I thought you lived in Pieta`.
Timmy Walsh Pietá is next to Floriana, where the Granaries are! The music was quite loud, as they were using an electronic sound (reinforcement) system.