Good afternoon from Malta's beautiful St Paul's Islands! ❤️
Good afternoon from Malta's beautiful St Paul's Islands! ❤️
🇬🇧 During our mapping process in Rabat we noticed a sign by the name " Peter the Potter". This pottery business was established in 1938 by Anthony Borg. Today, Anthony Borg’s craft has been carried on by his son. He was kind enough to give us a tour of the shop and his works.
Such mapping allows us to identify important human assets in the community. Human assets can include people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities, including residents, business owners, community leaders, volunteers, and service providers.
🇲🇹 Waqt il-proċess tal-mapping tagħna fir-Rabat innutajna sinjal bl-isem "Peter the Potter". Dan in-negozju tal-fuħħar twaqqaf fl-1938 minn Anthony Borg. Illum, is-sengħa ta’ Anthony Borg titmexxa minn ibnu. Hu kien ġentili biżżejjed biex jagħtina dawra mal-ħanut u x-xogħlijiet tiegħu.
Mapping bħal dan jippermettilna nidentifikaw assi umani importanti fil-komunità. L-assi umani jistgħu jinkludu nies ta 'kull età, sfond, u kapaċitajiet, inklużi residenti, sidien ta' negozji, mexxejja tal-komunità, voluntiera, u ‘service providers’.
Joseph Gatt So who is doing this mapping 😎 ❔
Mary Jo Cassar Western Community Services.
Good evening from Malta's beautiful Triton Fountain! ❤️